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These sessions are for experienced students who are training to compete in Karate KATA or KUMITE.
Classes are very fitness and drill based, with competitors training in an environment that champions are made.
Attendance by appointment only!
Thousands of hours training, the sweat, tears, and blood. Hundreds of classes and special training seminars, an unknown number of injuries, bumps, lumps and bruises. Uncountable number of ceremonies, certificates and medals, Exhaustible sacrifices, conflicting schedules, and reorganized priorities. ALL FOR ONE BLACK BELT
2005 & 2006 Gold Medalist- Australia (Kumite & Kata)
2007 World Cup in England Representing Australia
“Karate will train your Mind, Body & Spirit, creating Noble leaders for the future. We must pass on our knowledge not to lose tradition.” Sensei Andy Kent (4th Dan Go-ju & Shotokan)